Saturday, February 5, 2011

More floral arrangements from today

It was such a yucky day weather-wise, that I really had to create some pretty floral arrangements if only to keep my spirits high.  Today I was preparing for Valentine's Day. This week, CocoTribeca will be all around Manhattan with special Valentine's Day promotions.  Stay tuned as I will post some options here. 

CocoTribeca Book just in time for Valentine's Day and More

Here's my new book next to an arrangement for a party tonight.  I didn't plan it, but interesting that it all matches!

Valentine's Day and more

Here's one of our Valentine's Day floral offerings -- COLORS ALL OPTIONAL -- but it's one dozen roses surrounded by twenty tulips. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It is a Pink and Green Flower Week

So I took my girlfriend Lisa with me to buy flowers last week.  And she gasped loudly when I pulled the pink carnations from the shelf. "Carnations!?"  "You'll never even notice them..."  Carnations need a good PR campaign.  Why do they have such a bad rap?